
It took us 15 years, 780 blog posts, 26097 volunteers, 52 children, tonnes of provisions, 1208 files, 10411 Facebook posts, 5601 photos, 320 videos, millions of arguments, 1 dictator, 15 comedians, 1 world record, 4 restaurants, 16 chefs, 14 events and 22 corporate demos before the first OPOS book was published in 2018. This book is an encyclopedia, covering all OPOS techniques, illustrated with recipes, pictures and videos. The second major cookbook covers the thalis (complete multi-course meals) from major Indian and International cuisines and is also a finalist in Amazon’s pen-to-publish contest 2019. Ever since their release on Amazon, both books have been topping Amazon’s best seller charts.

Keeping in mind the current lockdown scenario, the team has released a series of books (Primer, Disaster Management and Survival manual) to bridge the gap between traditional cooking and OPOS Methods. This will help people gain a smooth transition into OPOS standards. To ease out OPOS cooking further, an exclusive book on staples is also available in our library. We have since helped several members of the OPOS family publish their own OPOS cookbooks.

OPOS techniques are continuously evolving and are constantly updated based on our experiments. Apart from the below listed titles, other titles may also be found under the OPOS banner. These books are being updated to meet the current OPOS standards and hence not listed here.